In Logic gate there three categories 1.Basic gate -AND,OR,NOT. 2.Arithmetic gate - XORXNOR. 3.Universal gate  - NAND, NOR. Logic gate are very useful for making Logic Circuit. Computer memory and registers, in microprocessors over 100 million gates are used in a single chip.

Logic Gates / circuit | Basic AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR,     X-OR,X-NOR 

Introduction   :  Logic Gate is a physical device which performs logic operation on one or more logical input/inputs and produce a single logical output, or you can say In the general-algebra we are uses many function like +,-,*,/ etc..But in the Boolean algebra we are uses AND, OR, NOT FUNCTION etc..which are called Logic Gate

We will categorize Logic gate into three parts :

  1. Basic Gate :  AND,OR,NOT. By using this three gate we can implement any logic that-why we call this gate basic gate.
  2. Arithmetic Gate : XOR, XNOR. We use them to perform arithmetic operation.
  3. Universal Gate :  NAND, NOR. We call them universal gate because by using only NAND or only NOR we can implement any digital system.

Logic Circuit, Logic Gate
Logic Gates

Basic Gate 

**AND Gate : Which gates follow the rule "when all inputs are high the output will be high" those gate are called AND Gate.
AND gates take two or more inputs but always gives one output.For two input it will gives four possible combination,for three inputs eight combination and so far. Combination of inputs are depends on number of the inputs. Relation of inputs and combination is "combination are 2numbers-of-input" 
Logic Circuit, Logic gates AND
AND Gate
**OR Gate : Which gates follow the rule "when at-least one input is high the output will be high" those gate are called OR Gate. OR gates also take two or more inputs but always gives one output. Number of combination for inputs depends on number of inputs same as AND gate.
Logic Circuit, Logic gates, OR
OR Gate
**NOT Gate : Not gate are follow the rule "If input is high then output is low or input is low then output is high. NOT gate use one input at a time.
Logic Circuit, Logic gates, NOT
NOT Gate

Arithmetic Gate  

**XOR Gate : XOR Gate is the combination of AND, OR, NOT gates. In XOR gate when odd number of input/ inputs is high then only the output is high. So it is also called odd 1's detector.

**XNOR Gate : XNOR Gate is also the combination of AND, OR, NOT gates. In XNOR gate when all the inputs are same then only the output is high.
Logic gate, XOR, XNOR
Arithmetic Gates

Universal Gate 

**NAND Gate : NAND gate is the combination of AND gate and NOT gate. In this gate when all inputs are high then only the output is low otherwise the output is high.

**NOR Gate : NOR gate is also the combination of AND gate and NOT gate. In this gate when all inputs is low then the output is high otherwise the output  is low.
Logic gates, Universal gate, NAND, NOR
Universal Gate

Thanks for watching.
Question Covered

➥ What is Logic Gates ?
➥ How many categorizes of Logic Gates ?
➥ What are arithmetic gate, why we called them arithmetic gate ?➥ What is universal gate ? âž¥ Draw the symbol of all the gates .
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