Exact Meaning of Computer

Many people don't know what is Computer System and what is the Exact meaning of computer they thought Laptop,Desktop are the only computer but this is not 100% True. Digital watch that you are wearing on your hand which take input, process that input and produce some output that  is also a COMPUTER.

Full form : of the computer is Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in Technology Education and Research.

Exact meaning of computer
Computer system 

Here you can see Computer are those which take input and after processing the input it produce some output.
But why the word "ELECTRONIC DEVICE"  came into the picture ?
Because only Electronic Device are capable to process some input and produce some output.
Here some people are says,then Fan is also a COMPUTER !
Fan is not a Computer because this is an ELECTRICAL Device.

Electronic Device V/S   Electrical Device

* Electrical devices take the energy of electrical current, the flow of electrons in a conductor, and transform it in simple ways into some other form of energy—most likely light, heat, or motion. 
* An electric device is one that directly uses electrical energy to perform a task.
If something uses electricity merely as energy, it is electrical.
* If it uses electricity as the medium for manipulating information, it is almost surely electronic. 

Exact Meaning of computer
Electronics VS  Electrical
* In short, all electronic devices are also electrical devices, but all electrical devices are not electronic devices.
At the end we know that what is exact computer , and what is not.

When someone questioning you that 'What is standard Computer ?', then you will says Laptop, Computer are the standard Computer.

To understanding what is the input, output and how it processing the input you can follow the images......  
Input in computer
Computer Input

How Computer process input
Processing Real-world entity
Output Device
Output Device
Notes: In the past many people used computer to do some calculating work, they used computer as calculating machine. But now all are depends on computer so Application of computer are huge.           
** Computer are act like human because of the "evolution of computer", Now there is only one difference between human and the computer is "How we process input". Humans are common sense but other-hand Computer have no common sense(they have some prerecorded functionality for perform such a task).  
Example of Computer:
As you can see that there is an watch, thermometer, car speedometer, micro-oven all are the example of computers, because all are capable to *manipulate information, *electronic device, *take input, *process inputs *give output.

Different Types of Computer

Thanks for Watching.
 Question covered 
➥ Is "Digital watch" a computer?
➥ What is the Full form COMPUTER ?
➥ What are the major different between "Electrical" and "Electronic" Devices ? 
➥ What is standard Computer ?
➥ Give some example of Computer ?

To know more on different topic of  COMPUTER visit dhide.blogspot.com
➤What is output Device ?

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